Week 1
During the first week, we spent out time going though some literature and reading papers. I read some papers about something known as the CLIP model. This model was a model that essentially a model that takes in an input prompt and outputs an image that matches the input prompt. I learned a lot about zero-shot processing and other machine learning techniques that I think will be useful for my project later on. I also read some papers about neural networks and the likes of them.
I met the diversity chair of Rice and learned about her very inspiring journey to get to where she is right now. Along with her, I met the person who got into DREU with me. She is from SCU. She has interned under Dr. Odonez before and seemed to know her way around.
Another thing that I have understood is that Houston’s heat is not something that should be underestimated. It took the whole week in trying to get acclimatized and trying to get adjusted to the food and everything simiilar.